Pre-heat your oven to 400. Pour mix into a large bowl.
Add in the eggs (lightly beaten), melted coconut oil, and milk.
Zest 2 large organic lemons. After you zest your lemons, set them aside. We’re going to use those for the icing.
Peel and chop the ginger into small chunks.
Chop your walnuts into dime size or smaller sizes.
Add the zested lemon bits, ginger, and walnuts to your mixing bowl.
Mix well. I use a KitchenAid mixer, but you can use a hand mixer or even a whisk, as long as you mix really well.
Bake for 20-25 minutes. I set a timer for halfway and rotate them 180 degrees. I’m not sure it’s necessary but I do that just to make sure they’re cooked evenly.