Last Updated on September 9, 2024

Learn about the best bed cooling system and other hot sleeper solutions to keep you cool as a cucumber at night and give you a blissful night’s sleep!
I haven’t always been a hot sleeper. In fact, I spent the better part of my life wearing sweats and fuzzy socks to sleep, even in the summer! But something happened when I hit 40, and I started getting hot at night. It’s not pre-menopausal hot flashes per se. I didn’t start waking up in a hot sweat. But I would wake up feeling uncomfortably warm to the point that it was impacting my quality of sleep.
I am still a relatively cold person during waking hours. My normal body temp is under 98 degrees, and my husband and I are constantly battling the air conditioner setting in the summer (he’s hot, I’m not). But something happens when I’m sleeping that causes my body temp to heat up, and it sucks.
How can I go to bed feeling completely comfortable and wake up hot? We even turn our air and heat down a couple degrees at night. We have a ceiling fan that blasts on high 12 months out of the year. I felt like we were doing all the things, but I was still miserable.
Hot Sleeper Solution Fails
More Fans
Our bedroom is located on the second floor, so it naturally runs warmer than our main floor. We just need more fans (I thought)! So, I ordered 2 standing tower fans from Home Depot and positioned them on either side of the bed. Even on full blast partnered with our ceiling fan, I was freaking HOT.
We even tried placing additional fans at the foot of our stairs to blow cooler air up our stairs, and it did absolutely nothing! I went back to the drawing board.
Portable Evaporative Cooler
I know a lot of people love them, but I am not a fan of evaporative coolers (also known as “swamp coolers”). Growing up in the humid south, this was a foreign concept to me. But after we moved to the Rocky Mountains (high mountain desert climate), apparently these are a thing.
We rented a house for over a year that had one several years ago, and we didn’t have a great experience. They may be more economical, but a swamp cooler will not cool your house down like central A/C, especially if the humidity creeps up even a little.
However, I thought a portable evaporative cooler for our bedroom might do the trick. I found one on Amazon. To operate it, you freeze these little gel containers, place them in a reservoir, and fill the reservoir up with water. Once you turn it on, a fan blows over the water and is supposed to cool your room down.
What it actually did was make our room as humid as Florida to the point that I thought the paint on our walls was going to literally peel off. And it didn’t cool down our room at all! We felt like we had room temperature wet air blowing on us all night. It also leaked water all over the floor! It went back to Amazon the next day.
Window A/C Unit
We considered buying a window A/C unit for our bedroom and even discussed installing another A/C unit for the upstairs. My sister in Texas had to do that. The house we live in was sold to us with an evaporative cooler (gasp). So, we invested close to $20K ripping it out and installing a brand-new Train HVAC for the house. I didn’t like the look of a window A/C unit but also didn’t want to spend thousands of dollars more on an A/C for the entire second floor.
Best Hot Sleeper Solution: A Bed Cooling System

If there was one word I would use to describe myself, it would be relentless – at least when it comes to problem solving. Cue Vanilla Ice (if there was a problem, yo I’ll solve it), I do not give up, ever. So back to researching I went. When I’m on the hunt for things or information, I’ll spend days or even weeks researching online. And through this intense research, I stumbled upon a little something called the BedJet.
I had never heard of a bed cooling system before researching air cooler options for bedrooms. I found the BedJet bed cooling system on Amazon during Black Friday 2022 and ordered it on a whim. It was designed by an ex-NASA engineer. I figured if he could help keep astronauts comfortable, he might know a thing or two about engineering a bed cooler.
My husband’s response? “That’s not going to work.” I love it when he’s wrong.
What is a Bedjet?

I’m going to describe this in laymen’s terms. A BedJet is a small cooling and heating unit that sits under your bed and distributes air under your sheet while you sleep. It has both heating and cooling functionality, so it’s perfect for all seasons. It also comes with a remote control and a mobile app to allow you to control it remotely.

How Does the Bedjet Work?

The BedJet unit sits under your bed. There is a hose attached to it with an end that looks similar to a vacuum at a car wash. The end of the hose sits on top of your mattress, tucked neatly between your fitted and flat sheet. This hose funnels air from the unit and flows it directly into your bed.

The remote control comes with some pretty complex functionality that you need an associate degree to operate. So, I keep it simple and choose either “cool” or “heat”, then select my temperature. The Bedjet cools down to 66 degrees and heats up to 104 degrees. You can also control the fan speed in increments of 5%.
My sweet spot is 71 degrees, 35% fan in the winter and 70 degrees, 50% fan in the summer. Since it’s fully customizable, you can easily tweak it based on the outside temperature and your own body temp!
The only time we ever turn the heat on is on the coldest winter nights right before we slip into bed. That way the sheets are nice and toasty. Then, we immediately cool it off again!

Tip: Tuck your flat sheet tightly around the hose for maximum air flow.
Is the Bedjet Worth it?

It is 100% worth it!! The BedJet has completely transformed the quality of sleep my husband and I are getting. To be cool and comfortable all night, even during the heat of summer, is so refreshing! It’s pricier than a portable fan but it works a million percent better!
I immediately bought one for our guest room since we want our guests to be as comfortable as possible when they’re staying with us. Our house guests are always intrigued when I give them a full demo at night as they’re getting tucked in. But believe me when I say they are singing its praises when they wake up!
Both my sisters, my best friends, and a handful of co-workers are all proud owners of BedJets now. Thank you BedJet creator for thinking outside the box and developing this amazing hot sleeper solution!
Other Hot Sleeper Solutions: How to Stay Cool at Night
In addition to the BedJet, here are a couple easy solutions to keep you cool at night.
Lower Your Thermostat
Obviously, you don’t want a monstrous energy bill so don’t go crazy. But even a single degree at night can cool your house off immensely – especially if you live in climate like we do that blesses you with cooler, dry nights.
Swap Out Your Bedding

Flannel sheets and down comforters can keep you warm during the winter but swap them out in the warmer months. We use Boll and Branch cotton sheets all year, but our winter season down comforter switches to a lightweight coverlet for the other 3 seasons.
I hope this post was super helpful in keeping you cooler and more well rested at night. May your next night’s sleep be the best yet! For more bedroom tips, click HERE.
This post is about the best bed cooling system and hot sleeper solutions.