Last Updated on September 3, 2024

Get inspired by this classic preppy Christmas tree with blue and red ornaments.
I absolutely love coastal style, but not so much that I want to throw anchors or sea horses on my Christmas tree. While my design style is definitely coastal, I also love to embrace a more traditional aesthetic, especially with my Christmas decor.
Plaid, nutcrackers, classic Christmas colors, white lights are definitely the decorations I am reaching for. If you love decorating with navy, love the classic look of coastal style, but also lean towards more traditional designs, I hope my preppy Christmas tree gives you some great inspiration!
Blue & Red Christmas Tree Ornaments

set of 12 red mixed ornaments | navy/white striped ornament | navy ornament | green ornament | white ornament | red/white striped ornament
I knew I wanted to use blue and red ornaments on our Christmas tree, but I also wanted to mix in classic Christmas colors like green, white, gold, and silver. Use solid, classic colored Christmas ornaments and layer in ornaments in preppy prints like stripes and polka dots. The classic and printed ornaments blend perfectly together and add more visual interest to your Christmas tree.
I bought all of our ornaments at Hobby Lobby. They have the cutest ornaments and they’re super affordable! If you aren’t near a Hobby Lobby, definitely check out Target or Amazon. I linked some similar ones above, since I bought these many years ago.

White Globe Christmas Lights

White Christmas lights are classic and really allow your ornaments to be the focal point. I knew I wanted to use globe lights because I love the shape of the bulb compared to traditional Christmas lights. Always err on the side of more lights versus not enough. Aim for about one strand per foot of tree. I use 6-7 strands and our trees are usually between 6-7 ft (and they’re real!).
Bow Christmas Tree Topper

I have always had star tree toppers until I saw the cutest bow tree topper on Pinterest, and I fell in love with this look. Rather than buying a bow, I wanted to make it. I am the furthest thing from crafty, so I made it my mission to make this bow!
I bought a Bowdabra on Amazon and watched YouTube videos to learn how to make it. If I can make a beautiful bow, ANYONE CAN! I swear, it’s that easy. I chose a velvet dark green fabric with gold backing. Make sure you choose a fabric that has a wired edge, so it will hold the bow shape.

My poor bow got damaged in our last move, so my best friend (who is ultra-crafty!) offered to make me a new one. I decided to go navy this time to tie in better with our coastal home decor. She made it by hand, which just shows her insane talent. I would definitely never be able to do this without my Bowdabra.

Tartan Plaid Christmas Tree Skirt

What is more preppy than a classic tartan plaid tree skirt? Bonus – this one has blue in it! I found this tartan tree skirt on Etsy. I bought a 48”, and I really wish I would have gone up in size to at least a 52”. The skirt is beautiful and great quality, but I feel like it’s too small for our tree.
Our old tree skirt was a plaid flannel that I bought from Macy’s. I absolutely love the “Merry” embroidery. After each season, I had it laundered and over time, the material started to pill. It wasn’t the best quality but it sure was cute!
Now I’m trying to decide if I want to order our tartan skirt in a larger size or hunt for something new. I really want something that incorporates more blue. My mom is an amazing seamstress, so I am considering searching for the perfect fabric and having her sew it for me!

Preppy Christmas Tree

Holiday decor can go in so many different directions, but a classic preppy Christmas tree is my absolute favorite. It fits right in with my navy coastal decorating style but is so classic, it really goes with any interior design.
I hope this helped inspire your Christmas tree decorating. Happy Holidays!
Find more holiday decorating ideas HERE.
This post is about a classic preppy Christmas tree in a coastal home.